Powering Ebury's Rapid growth through a differentiated value proposition

"Paal15’s knowledge and creativity pushed us to the next level. They helped define our future direction."

Juan Lobato

CEO, Ebury

Why read this case study?

Discover how Ebury utilised a robust, differentiated value proposition, targeted messaging, and a strategic go-to-market approach to evolve from being perceived as merely another
UK-based FX broker to being recognised as a global FinTech powerhouse.

The Challenge

Ebury was seen as just another boutique FX operation, as it had yet to create a value proposition and messaging that bridged the gap between the finance-oriented culture from which it originated and the tech-driven innovation it aimed to showcase. They needed to simplify their complex offerings to resonate more effectively with SMEs, while also attracting investor interest.

The Solution

To address Ebury's intricate challenges directly, we first conducted an in-depth analysis of their internal culture and market positioning. This enabled us to align their teams more closely with their innovation-driven vision.

We then streamlined their product offerings and crafted a clear, compelling narrative to showcase their FinTech capabilities. Leveraging our extensive industry expertise, we offered strategic guidance that enabled Ebury to reposition itself effectively in the marketplace.

Through sustained collaboration, Ebury successfully navigated its transformation into a global FinTech leader, attracting both clients and investors while solidifying its reputation as an innovator in international payment solutions for SMEs.

Why Ebury's results are remarkable

Ebury's new positioning and value proposition were launched across nine regions in just 180 days, enabling them to swiftly secure £54m in initial investment. This success was subsequently followed by Banco Santander's acquisition of a majority stake for over £370m in 2019.

Why this story matters

This case study illustrates the transformative potential of redefining market positioning, developing customer-centric solutions, and executing a swift market launch.

Ebury's journey – from grappling with articulating its value proposition to securing significant investments and a major acquisition – serves as a compelling testament to what can be achieved through strategic guidance.

About Ebury

Ebury is a FinTech company specialising in international payments, collections, and foreign exchange services. It offers financial solutions aimed mainly at SMEs. Ebury offers foreign exchange activity in over 130 currencies for – both major and emerging markets – as well as cash management strategies, trade finance, and foreign exchange risk management.


Idea to final product
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